- Last Words
Last Words

Last Words
A Living Document of Voices Silenced by the Texas Death Penalty
By Cattywampus Press
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice maintains a public database of every last statement made by its death row inmates. Last Words documents these final statements and makes them available in print. This box covers 1982–2009 in three volumes. A manila envelope containing publication information, an introduction, and infographics helps to set a context for the project.
Box: 12 x 5 x 10.375 inches
3 volumes: 8 x 10 inches, each | varying page lengths
A Living Document of Voices Silenced by the Texas Death Penalty
By Cattywampus Press
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice maintains a public database of every last statement made by its death row inmates. Last Words documents these final statements and makes them available in print. This box covers 1982–2009 in three volumes. A manila envelope containing publication information, an introduction, and infographics helps to set a context for the project.
Box: 12 x 5 x 10.375 inches
3 volumes: 8 x 10 inches, each | varying page lengths